Pretty much any time I meet a new actor here in Los Angeles or New York, one of the first questions they ask is some form of “how do you make sure you book the role?” or “what can I do to book the role?”
The honest answer? There’s nothing you can do to ensure that. There are a million reasons why you may or may not book the role. I can be something as big as “they didn’t have the depth we were looking for” all the way to as small as “we already have a cast full of brunettes”. Even something as petty as “they look too much like someone I used to date and had a horrible breakup with”.
It can be literally anything! The vast majority of it has no judgment on you as an actor and certainly not you as a performer. All you can do is bring yourself to the audition, do what you do really well and if you’re the right actor for the right role at the right time…you’ll book it.
One thing that will DEFINITELY help you book more and submit better auditions is working with an experienced acting and auditioning coach…like myself and John M Keating Audition Coaching. Every week you will be able to work on your auditions and hone that very specific skill (and it is a specific and different ability than acting “on the day”)
Sign up for my Audition Power-Up weekly class or you can even contact me to set up an audit and see if it’s a good fit for you.