Keating Audition Coaching

classes and coaching for working actors; taught by working actors

Feel Confident In Every Audition

John M Keating Audition clients have been seen on such shows as Superstore, 911, Ghosts and Grey's Anatomy

“He’s easy to book with, easy to work with and also makes me laugh

Irene White

Irene white from supertore

“In this time of self-tapes and virtual auditions, John has been a lifesaver for me. Getting his feedback and direction has made me feel like I’m actually ACTING again and that has been wonderful.

He gives terrific redirects with common sense and compassion in equal measure. Every audition I have done with John, I have gotten great feedback from my reps. This is not an exaggeration. He’s easy to book with, easy to work with and also makes me laugh. Lucky me!”

(Superstore, Never Have I Ever, Ghosts)

Weekly Audition Class


March 3, 10, 17, 24
March 5, 12, 19, 26


All Classes over Zoom

$235 for a Four Class Session
Class appx 2 Hours
Actors 18+

"I feel re-energized after each class!"

Keeshan Giles

Keeshan Giles Smiling Headshot

“John’s class has been a real eye opener. He gets you excited about acting by teaching practical acting techniques. And because he’s a working actor, his advice is really relevant to what’s going on in the industry now. I feel re-energized after each class!”

(The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, Curb Your Enthusiasm)

Private coaching uniquely tailored to you:

Sign up for the JMK Audition Coaching Newsletter for info on upcoming classes as well as auditioning and self taping tips.

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Visit IMDB to see John M Keating's Television and Film Credits

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